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National Savings Certificates

Type Savings - Very Low Risk

National Savings Certificates


National Savings Certificates were first offered to the British people in 1916 - to quote the advertising slogan 'The Post Office offers you three ways in which your savings can be made of great use to the nation with full security for the repayment of your money'.

Today National Savings Certificates are still a very safe investment - the certifcates are fully backed by HM Treasury. Two types of National Savings Certificate are currently available, Fixed Interest, and Index Linked.

For the Fixed Interest Certificates:

  • Term 2 or 5 years
  • Min investment per issue £100, max £15000
  • Rates guaranteed for term. Lower rates if cashed in early. Zero rate if cashed in during first year.
  • For the Indexed Interest Certificates:

  • Term 3 or 5 years
  • Min investment per issue £100, max £15000
  • Rates indexed linked to RPI (Retail Price Index), plus guaranteed extra %. Lower rates if cashed in early. Zero rate if cashed in during first year.
  • National Savings Certificates are completely tax-free, so making them attractive to higher-rate taxpayers, and (to a lesser extent) to normal rate taxpayers.

    Why in 100 Best?

    A good solid investment for taxpayers. Non-taxpayers might consider instead National Savings Capital Bonds.
    ns&i - Fixed Interest Savings Certificates
    ns&i - Index Linked Savings Certificates

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    Listing contributed by Andy

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    Best Personal Finance - Guide To National Savings Certificates - Description, Pros, and Cons - 16 votes